Medicinal Herbs treatments

Medicinal Herbs treatments combined with Shiatsu Therapy is the best natural treatment for maximizing your health.

Medicinal Herbs & Shiatsu


How can medicinal herbs help your health?

  • Find energy and vitality through an outside objective look at your health

  • Decrease pain and aches, insomnia, anxiety, hot flashes, cholesterol, PMS, cramps…

  • Help prevent and ease chronic disease (asthma, eczema, arthrosis...)

  • Support your body through life transition periods (menopause, cancer, stress...)

 We will speak about many aspects of your life to understand fully how to help you the best:

  •  Life habits

  • Health history

  • Current unbalance

 This method aids to find practical solutions to help you on the short term and into the future.

 When will I feel the benefit of the treatment?

 You will see results in a couple of days if it is an acute concern (pain or infection), or in a period of 3-4 weeks with a chronic condition. Coupled with life changing habits, the plants will help your body re-equilibrate. After 3-4 months, we can expect durable results.

 Combined with shiatsu (body work) the medicinal herbs are a perfect complement to your concerns and will bring great harmony to your body and mind in a very natural way.

 The session duration will be 1 hour 30 min (medicinal herbs intake and shiatsu session) $125

25min Follow up session (In Person or Zoom) $30