Jessie Baty Certified Shiatsu Therapist with Shiatsu 2 Go in Old City, Philadelphia

Jessie Baty Certified Shiatsu Massage Therapist in Old City, Philadelphia.


Meet Jessie Baty

Jessie is a French native hailing from Lyon and has practiced shiatsu for several years. She initially discovered Shiatsu as a musician. Wanting to expand her horizons into a different type of therapeutic art that centers around and helps other people while improving general physical and mental health. Jessie studied shiatsu in the US at the renowned International School of Shiatsu in Doylestown PA. After 4 years of studying the practice, she became a shiatsu therapist to share her knowledge of this restorative bodywork with others.

Jessie is an active Aikido student, practicing with Jason Perna Sensei at Aikido Old City. She is delighted to partner with Old City Aikido  and offer Shiatsu 2 Go Studio within the same facility.

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